
Photo by Mike Kasic

National Geographic

scientific illustrations

The Marine Diaries

Women Doing Science

National Geographic

Nat Geo Mena - Chasing Answers Episode 2

Episode 2 - Red Sea Explored: a National Geographic documentary about the work at KAUST in measuring mangrove carbon fluxes, and blue carbon research. Screenshots taken from the episode

scientific illustrations (for books, publications, and posters)

marine outreach

Women Doing Science Diversity Officer (2020-2021)

Helped to run the Women Doing Science Instagram account, identifying underrepresented groups for feature opportunities, with a particular focus on field marine biologists in the LGBTQIA+ community. see handle

Women in Ocean Science Lead Ambassador (2019-2020)

Became an ambassador for both the University of Manchester and the University of St Andrews to promote women in marine science; via networking, social media outreach, and organising beach cleans.

The Sirene Project Ocean Conservation Story Time (2020)

Shared my story as a feature on The Sirene Project, to show that women of different backgrounds can partake in marine conservation. Story Time.

Photo by Maani Latheef

The Marine Diaries (illustrations and poster)

Worked to highlight the take-home messages from different scientific articles and research papers, in a ‘diary-style’ infographic series for social media. These illustrations allowed individuals to easily engage with scientific publications. I also created a Seagrass Beds poster, as part of the Marine Ecosystems Diaries Project. This was an online program designed to educate individuals about the importance, threats and conservation of a different habitat each month.

The Marine Diaries (editor)

From 2019-2020 I was the editor in charge of the ‘Too Hot to Handle’ blog series, focusing on the impact of climate change on our ocean. I edited articles from individuals to prepare them for publication, and interviewed scientists / companies all over the world regarding their life story, research, and innovations.

A selection of individuals include: Dr Tracey Goldstein, (associate director of the One Health Institute, UC Davis), on the warming Arctic and new viruses; Dr Alex Smalley, (researcher, BBC’s Forest404, University of Exeter), on the soundscapes of nature and mental health; and myself, with plastic-free product reviews [shoes and period pants].

Photo by Corey Nevels